Dr. Soman Presented with Multiple Awards

Pranav received the  Faculty Excellence Award from the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University and was also awarded the NSF EAGAR award in collaboration with Prof. Roy (MAE department, SU) in the area of cyber-manufacturing.

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Employment at Deloitte Consulting

Valerie Lacasse, a Bioengineering undergraduate student in our lab, got a summer internship at Deloitte Consulting. Valerie will be joined Deloitte Consulting as a Business Technology Analyst, in Manhattan, this past summer.

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Summer Internship at NIH

Matthew Vetere, Bioengineering Master’s student, was offered an internship in the Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, Maryland. The goal of the group is to understand the interactions of cortical and subcortical circuits to provide therapies for age-related impairments in attention control.

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IGERT Retreat Poster Presentation

Stehpen W. Sawyer, second-year Bioengineering Ph.D. student and IGERT fellow, presented a poster at the 2014 Soft Interfaces IGERT Retreat on April 5, 2014, held at the Syracuse Biomaterials Institute, Bowne Hall, Syracuse University. The IGERT Retreat was a one-day get-together of the Soft Interfaces IGERT community to exchange ideas and identify new research directions. […]

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